LSUK Summer BBQ on Saturday 15 June 2013

LSUK Summer BBQ on Saturday 15 June 2013
It is with great pleasure that I write to invite you all to join the LSUK Summer BBQ Bhetghat on Saturday, 15th June 2013.
The Bhetghat will conduct non-stop load of events to entertain the participants from 1200hrs to 2200hrs including some formal program. Events that will conduct are: Read more...

LSUK first executive committee members meeting selects new advisors

LSUK first executive committee members meeting selects new advisors:

Purna Chandra Gurung (Yunil)




Lamjung Samaj UK elected new executive committee members

Lamjung Samaj UK elected new executive committee members:

Purna Chandra Gurung (Yunil)



Lamjung Samaj UK held its first executive committee members meeting

Lamjung Samaj UK held its first executive committee members meeting:

Purna Chandra Gurung (Yunil),



Minutes of LSUK Reading Area meeting held on 27 October 2012

Minutes of LSUK Reading Area meeting held on 27 October 2012 at The Forgotten Gurkha Office in Reading. The following suggestions were forwarded by participants in the meeting after thorough discussion.

The Agendas-

  1. Shyora System update & issues.
  2. Information dissemination to participants of recent changes on Shyora system from the LSUK meeting on 23 September 2012.
  3. AOB.

LSUK meeting held on 24 October 2010 at BGWS

LSUK meeting held on 24 October 2010 at BGWS. The Agendas & decisions are as follows.

The Agendas-

  1. Executive member, Area Rep & Advisors.

The meeting has made following decisions after discussing on Agenda No. 1  – Read more...

The 4th AGM of LSUK was successfully completed under the Chaimanship of LSUK President Mr. Chandra Prasad Gurng

The 4th AGM of LSUK was successfully completed under the Chaimanship of LSUK President Mr. Chandra Prasad Gurng. The Program detail are follows:

1. Attendance - 79 adults and some children
2. Venue - BGWS, Farnborough
3. Date - 10 April 2010 (Sat)
4. Time - Rendevouz at 1000 hrs
5. Program Itenary -

Message From Chairman LSUK Chandra Psd Grg

लमजुङ्बासी आमाबाबा,दाजुभाईदीदीबहीनीहरु!
र सबै छोरा छोरीभान्जा भान्जीहरु!


Lamjungsamajuk 3rd Annual General meeting Saturday, 11th April 2009

3rd Annual General meeting
Saturday, 11th April 2009
BGWS, Farnborough


  1. Secretary welcomed to all members, attendance was taken and high volume of members was attended.
  2. The meeting was opened by The President and briefed about the meeting.
  3. Vice President encouraged all attendees to come and put more ideas and views, which can make our samaj better in the future. He also briefed about aim, progress and future plan of samaj.
  4. Treasurer read out the statement of our current fund with total loss and profit.
  5. Membership fee will remain £12 per annum. New members should pay the membership fee according to the Constitution. Rate for life membership are as follows: Read more...

Lamjungsamaj UK 4th General meeting Agenda

4th General meeting Agenda
Sunday, 10th August 2008
Venue: BGWS, Farnborough

1. Welcome:
Secretary welcomed every one. Attendance was taken and only 35 lamjunge were present.

2. Opening the meeting:
The meeting was opened by President and briefed about the meeting.

3. Membership form and fee:
Again, discussed about Membership fee, which is £12 for whole year. Late joiner must pay full amount for Samaj as per constitution. Life membership will start from this year, rate are as follows: Read more...

Lamjung-Samajuk Farnborough 1st Agenda Sunday, 18th August 2007

1st Agenda
Sunday, 18th August 2007
Venue:   BGWS, Farnborough

1.         Welcome and introduction:
Mr Chandraprasad Gurung welcomed to everyone and briefed about the meeting.

2.         Name of Community:
Everyone was agreed to name this community as a Lamjung-Samajuk. Read more...

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